Mission Impossible
The mission should you choose to accept it is to paint my entire front room/kitchen start to finish and rearrange all furniture, rewire an outlet, and rehang all decor in 5 days while Jason is gone on business.
7:30 am Jason is safely dropped off at airport and I am on my way to Lowe's
8:00 am I have purchased all paint and supplies and am heading home
9:30 am My boys and I have started tearing apart the house in an effort to prepare for paint
10:00 My accomplices Jodi, Kim, and Melissa arrive in their paint clothes and get to work
5:00 pm all painting is complete and left to dry
9:00 am Melissa arrives and helps me rearrange all furniture including lifting a 40 gallon terrarium complete with agitated bearded dragon not once, not twice, but three times from room to room until we are finally happy with it's placement.
7:00pm Jodi, Kim and I throw a baby shower at Kim's house. I can't walk and have to sit the whole night and gorge on sugar.
9:00 pm Bill Ryan comes over to figure out how I messed up the wiring behind my T.V. I can hardly understand how I messed up the wiring between a T.V., Surround Sound receiver, DVD/VCR, and Xbox 360. I mean it's not brain surgery!
9:00 am Kim prepares to rehang all photos, plaques, and misc. items while I rest and ice my feet. She also became Jason's #2 fan (I'm #1 of course) and helped me decide on what pieces of his art work should be displayed upstairs and where.
1:00 pm Melissa and I go to Office Max and decide on a new filing cabinet for Jason's office.
3:00 pm I begin assembly on filing cabinet.
4:00 stop assembly to go to parent teacher conferences where I find out that 2 out of 3 of my children are being sent to different specialists.
5:00 return to assembly of filing cabinet feeling like a failure as a mom.
9:00 pm drop screwdriver where I stand and go directly to bed cursing the filing cabinet which is still not finished, feeling like a failure as a mom, and fall into an exhausted sleep. I think I am still completely dressed.
10:00 am Finish the @#$$#@# filing cabinet and realize it weighs approximately 467 pounds and I assembled it in the living room instead of the kitchen where it needed to be.
4:00 pm after a day of cleaning Dede Ryan calls to remind me not to make dinner and come to the Blue and Gold Banquet instead.
6:00pm Eat dinner with the rest of the Scout's and their families as I try not to fall asleep in my plate of nachos.
8:00 pm Rick Seelos arrives at my house to rewire my electrical and cable modem from one wall to another so that I can have the computer in the kitchen instead of the living room.
8:15 pm Rick has successfully punched a rectangle in my sheet rock and I am steam cleaning my blinds in the shower and hanging them wet.
8:45 pm Ricks drill extension breaks and I run to Lowe's to buy him a new one.
9:15 pm The new drill extension also breaks. Rick resorts to brute force by popping a screwdriver through wood with a lever system he created by hanging on a two by four and forcing the screwdriver up.
10:30 pm Rick is done and ready to see the back of this house forever. I finish hanging the remaining blinds and enjoy privacy for the first time since Monday morning. I apologize to everybody who saw me running around in my underwear.
8:00 am drop off children at school, buy Samuel and I McDonald's breakfast, buy new frames at Wal-Mart for new artwork.
9:00 am Kim arrives to help me frame artwork and hang final pieces on the wall as well as put finishing touches on the house.
4:00 pm Showered and looking good I ride with Mike and Melissa to pick up Jason at the airport and take him to dinner. Melissa and I are trying not to pee our pants with excitement.
7:00pm Turning the corner to our house Melissa squeezes my hand and tells me how comfortable her couch is if I should need it.
7:05 pm Jason walks in and exclaims his surprise and approval of project.
8:00 pm I am struggling to keep my eyes open.
9:00 pm I am dead asleep and Jason is now hating the new project because I am too tired for any "fun"
Next time I receive this kind of inspiration I may just let the message self destruct!