My new Baby!
After begging and pleading Jason finally decided that we could add a new addition to our little family. Jack is a Toy Rat Terrier born January 9, 2008. He weighs about 4 pounds and will get to be about 8 pounds total, and stand about 1 foot tall. He is finally sleeping through the night, and once in a while I can put him down when he is asleep and get something done. He takes a morning and afternoon nap and keeps my boys occupied when they get home from school. We are so excited to have him!
welcome jack - now you need to take a picture of him next to an object (like a toothbrush or grape) so we can see how big he is!
Jack looks so big there. That is a cute picture. Sadie calls him baby Jack Jack.
Hey your rat actually looks kind of cute there (kinda of...)
HELLO???? Are you there??? You really need to post an update, baby. I NEED to read about your fabulous life and your adorable boys and your cute husband.
C'mon, sister....BLOG!!
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