Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Man

Jason pointed out the other day that I must be pretty embarrassed of him because he has never been posted on my blog.   I only hesitated to put him on my blog for fear of ruining perfectly happy marriages out there when they see what I get everyday!  Of course I'm not embarrassed and as a proud wife I would like to present:  Jason
Jason is probably one of the funniest people I have ever met.  I don't think a day has gone by in our 15 years together that he hasn't made me laugh (which as you all know can be difficult.)
Jason is a fish.  He can live underwater.  He has the decency to surface long enough for us to enjoy that smile.  Sometimes when he stays underwater for so long that I start worrying only to have his head pop up among the waves.
Jason spoils me.  This is a picture of us in Hawaii.  We are both filthy, but serenely happy.  He  made sure we had a great time.  He also spoils me at home.  I am definitely the princess at my house.  I get pretty much everything I want and some surprises along the way.
Jason is a great dad.  His boys light up when he gets home.  They love hiking, golfing, gaming and many other things together.  Sometimes I go, sometimes he leaves me home to gather my scattered pieces of sanity off the floor.
This is Jason at his finest.  In public, in a dress, and shaking his booty.  Who wouldn't be proud!


dede said...

that last picture is awesome - jason is awesome! good post!

Saralin said...

Jason is pretty cool! It was very nice of him to admit that he knew me when I ran in to him at the school dressed in my scroungiest yard work clothes and smelling of said yardwork.

Jody said...

Love the last picture-too fun! Love the post. Brad said the same exact thing yesterday about him not being on my blog...I will have to keep him as far away from your blog as possible!

The Hornes said...

Hey I am happy to see that you are bloging again. It is fun to see what is going on with family when we don't get together as often as we should. I hope you guys are coming Sunday!

Jodi said...

Look whos blogging again. Cute pictures of Jason. Rick would rather be dead than shake his booty in public

Shiloh Thacher said...

Hey you! Jesse and I got to play againist him at Volleyball last night. It was a lot of fun. We miss you guys!
XOXO, Shiloh